Experimental and kinetic analysis of the addition of zerovalent iron for promoting conversion of CO2 into CH4 by anaerobic sludge
Sorghum Starch: From Extraction and Characterization to Eco-friendly Adhesive for Particleboard Manufacturing (Revision: Characterization of Sorghum Starch as a Potential Bio-based Adhesive for Particleboard Manufacturing)
Adsorption Using Biochar from Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches for Advanced Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Secondary Effluent
The Effect of Time, Frother and Collector Concentration on the Purification of Ruwai Galena Ore via Agitated Froth Flotation: A Comparative Study with Column Flotation
ZSM-5 Supported Mn, Mn-Ag, Mn-Cu for AmbientTemperature Isopropyl Alcohol Adsorption and OzoneAssisted Regeneration Process
Systematic Review of Extraction Techniques and Environmental Future Prospects for the Commiphora gileadensis Medicinal Plant
Experimental study on corrosion behavior of N20 steel by HCO3- concentration in multiple-ions coexisting oilfield produced water
Assessment of the optimal gold recovery rate through heap leach extraction process from hydrothermal alteration zone ore
Increasing the Effectiveness of Pb (II) Ion Removal from Aqueous Media Using Fenton Method at Near Neutral pH by Adding Dicarboxylic Acid as a Chelating Agent
Sol-gel prepared of LaMnO3 perovskite: characterisation and catalytic activity in 2-phenylbenzo[d]imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole synthesis
A Development Of Electrode Probes For Imaging Precancerous Lesions With Electrical Impedance Tomography Technique: A Phantom Study
A Combined Method For Determining The Contributing Factors To Chemical Spills In Port Areas During Maritime Dangerous Cargo Transport