Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Chi-Yuan Lee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Ying-Chou Cheng1 , Tsung-Tsong Wu2 , Yung-Yu Chen2 , Wen-Jong Chen2 , Shih-Yung Pao2 , Pei-Zen Chang2 , Ping-Hei Chen1 , Kai-Hsiang Yen2 and Fu-Yuan Xiao2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
2Institute of Applied Mechanics National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.


Received: December 25, 2003
Accepted: January 15, 2004
Publication Date: June 1, 2004

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This work presents a novel method based on the micromachined acoustic wave sensor for evaluating silicon membrane thickness. Like pressure sensors, accelerometers, micro flow sensors and micropumps, many micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) devices require that silicon membrane thickness be known exactly. Precisely controlling silicon membrane thickness during wet etching is important, because the thickness strongly affects device performance and post-processing. The proposed method for evaluating silicon membrane thickness is novel, simple to implement, and can be monitored in-situ and mass-produced. The spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW), detailed process flows, measurement set-up and the experimental results also are presented.

Keywords: MEMS, MicromachinedAcoustic Wave Sensor, SASW


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