Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Chun-Hong Huang1 , Su-Li Chin2 and Jason C. Hung This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.3

1Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan 251, R.O.C.
2Department of Physical Education, Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan 251, R.O.C.
3Department of Information Technology, The Oversea Chinese Institute of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan 407, R.O.C.


Received: February 16, 2006
Accepted: May 15, 2006
Publication Date: September 1, 2007

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This paper aims to develop a simulated system for teaching and training in basketball defensive and offensive strategies. Respectively, defensive and offensive strategies can be described by editing video recording from basketball games into some desired clips for analyzing and storing in a database. In this paper, we utilize spatial relationships to describe the local defensive movements and evaluate the offensive motions of the basketball players in a game by using the dynamic programming. Our proposed system will automatically track the defensive and offensive movements made by the basketball players in video clips. As a result, basketball coaches and players can learn various defensive and offensive strategies within the shortest period of time by looking at the analysis from our system. The system is expected to become a computerized education that can aid basketball teaching and training, and replace the unscientific and stereotyped system in such kind of activities.

Keywords: Basketball Defensive and Offensive Strategies, Spatial Relationships, Dynamic Programming, Computerized Education, Video Technology


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