Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Diego Armando Giral-RamírezThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Luis Imbachi Guerrero, and Cesar Augusto Hernández-Suarez

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia.

Received: July 6, 2023
Accepted: November 12, 2023
Publication Date: December 16, 2023

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

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This paper aims to present the Application for Fault Location - Universidad Distrital (App LF-UD). App LF-UD allows for analyzing the performance of different low-impedance fault location algorithms in distribution lines with and without Distributed Generation (DG). The error can be obtained for a specific point or through a graph according to a complete line section. The simulator allows the variation of the fault type location strategy, the faulted line or node, the type of fault (three-phase, single-phase, two-phase, two-phase to ground), the fault resistance, the size in terms of DG short circuit power, the location of the DG, the length and the models of the distribution lines. App LF-UD was developed in the App Designer of Matlab 2022b and OpenDSS. In order to debug errors, it was implemented a five-module architecture: Main Menu, Power System Testing, DG, Fault Location, and Metrics. The "Main Menu" module corresponds to the application’s main interface; the "Power System Testing" module parameterizes the models of the test system elements. The "DG" module allows parameterizing the DG system; the "Fault Location" module defines the characteristics of the fault. Finally, the "Metrics" module characterizes the relative error. Two impedance-based fault location techniques and two IEEE test systems were implemented. The interface and location algorithms are developed in App Designer, and load flow analysis, short circuit, and DG inclusion are performed with the software OpenDSS. The metrics used were implemented according to parameters defined in the C37.114-2014 standard.

Keywords: distributed generation; fault location; IEEE C37.114-2014; OpenDSS

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